I can’t believe that the time had finally come…we were 30 wks and it was time to get our 3D/4D ultrasound and get a sneak peek at our little girl! My husband was with me, he hasn’t missed any appointments during my pregnancy which I am so thankful for. And we invited my Grandma as she is so excited about this baby.
I am so lucky to have her want to be so involved in this whole experience with me!
They had suggested drinking a little OJ before our appointment to get her moving, as sometimes little ones can just sleep and be faced away and never be seen. So I drank about half a small bottle (you know convenient store size) and hoped for the best. We got in, got propped up on the table, bared my tummy and got lubed up. She first pulled up the 2D side view and we once again got to see the cute little nose and view we had seen a few times before. Then she switched it to the 4D view. Wowza….what a difference!
The first shot they got was a butt shot, so we got the quick confirmation that she indeed is a girl. The tech moved the wand around until she found her face curled up on my left side using my placenta for a pillow it seemed.
Hello little girl! So nice to see your cute little face!
Are you gonna move around for Momma? And boy did she hear my request! She was moving all over the place! She had her feet up by her head most of the time and would be kicking the umbilical cord to and fro. Her head is down, so that’s a good thing, and confirmed why most of the movement seems to be lower, she is curled up most of the time. She even at one point kicked herself in the head, that girl has some muscles already! It was awesome to see her move around and even open her eyes from time to time.
She was kinda shy towards the beginning annd if it wasn’t her feet up in her face, she had her hands on the side of her cheek.
She kept sucking on her fingers and playing with her cheeks.
Then decided just to put her whole fist in her mouth.
We did manage to get a little half grin out of her. I’m betting she’s gonna have an ornery streak in her!
The tech ended up trying for a little longer than our allotted time to try to get her feet out of the way, so her cord would go down so we could get a clearer picture of her face, but she wasn’t interested and eventually started almost getting fussy and had an “I’m getting annoyed” face. It was adorable, but then I felt bad for bothering her so we said we were good with seeing what we had.
Soon after that, she yawned and we knew it was time to head home. We both were beat!
What an amazing thing, we both were so happy we got to get a glimpse at the miracle that is happening inside of me! We think she will have my nose and chin, I’m thinking my husbands forehead and not sure about the chubby cheeks….those may have been from both of us!
She is beautiful and now when I feel her moving around, I can picture her in there and the expressions she must be having and it makes it seem even more real then it had before, it that is possible for being 8 months pregnant! I can’t wait to meet her in 2 short months….and tell her how beautiful she is in person!
imadramamama says
That is amazing!! Too stinkin' Cute!
Roo says
Ohmygosh I love this. She is beautiful. Just like you.
Bacardi Mama says
She is perfectly beautiful. What a sweet little girl you have.
Melissa List says
This ultrasounds are cool and freaky at the same time, lol. 😀 I love her facial expressions!!!
jaime says
Adorable! I can't wait to "meet" her on here. 🙂
Bari says
Those pictures are just amazing. Baby G is just as beautiful as her momma 🙂
Ace says
Oh my cuteness! She looks adorable!
I'm knitting my little hands off and hoping I can finish in time!