There are just some things in life that make you happy and make you smile just because. You Capture challenge for this week was to try and capture some of that happiness. Here are a few things that made me smile this week.
I went to the Toledo Zoo last week and saw this flower on a tree in one of the gardens. It was so simple yet so complicated…and breathtakingly beautiful.
Something that I see everyday that makes me smile is Emma, our 6 year old dachshund. I love how she sneaks under any blanket laying around…but not completely!
Sometimes she wants her but left uncovered.
Sometimes she leaves just her nose out.
This is a face that brings me happiness every single day. I love her so much and I am blessed to have been her mommy for her whole life. She makes me feel like I will be a good real-life mommy when the time comes.
What happiness did you capture this week? Come over and share with Beth and her happy capturing crew!