Well the temps are slowly rising and today started off in the teens, much better then the -16 we had on Monday morning! Brrrr….ridiculously cold! However, I am so thankful for a warm house to stay safe and comfortable in and good car to get me back and forth to work, it makes me sad to see people who have to walk outside in this weather! And don’t even get me started on the animals that are stuck outside. Its deadly cold outside!
Grace loves playing in the snow. Last year she didn’t want anything to do with the snow and would just stand there and hold her arms out for us to pick her up. This year its the complete opposite….she loves running and throwing the snow in the air. It hasn’t been sticky enough to make snowballs, so we have snow glitter that we throw. She doesn’t care, she finds it hilarious whatever the form!
Linking up with Jaime for Thankful Thursdays. What are you thankful for?
jaime says
I'm hoping we can get out and do snow angels today – and that I'll use my real camera, instead of my phone! I'm thankful our power has stayed on. So, so thankful for that.
Brooke says
she's such a cutie!!!!