You got to experience your first Ohio State football party this month! You were the cutest one there!
You have only woken Mommy up to eat in the middle of the night once or twice…guess you are stockpiling from your hour long nighttime feeding!
You have become quite efficient with the whole nursing thing. What used to take 40-50 minutes now only takes about 20, except in the evenings when you just want to spend a little more time with Mommy. I don’t mind, its our special bonding time. Oh and you also have broke free from the shield! This is huge and now only use it at night and in the morning when you are kinda lazy and don’t want to work as hard. You are doing great, I am so proud of you. What started out as a struggle has become a normal part of life for both of us!
but every now and then I manage to get one!
You are sitting up much straighter and holding your head up good. You have given us a few giggles and love when daddy gives you raspberry kisses under your giggle and squeal! Its so cute! You are one of the best spit bubble blowers around. You end up soaking your onsies and your stuffed toys. I think its a sign that you will be busting out some teethers soon! You constantly have your hand in your mouth and are chewing on your fingers. Bet the next update will have a picture of some little white nubs in your mouth!
Oh you are growing up so quickly!
We love you slobber butt!
*It’s Monday and I’m being “Miss Elaine-ous” over at The Miss Elaine-ous Life!
Go check out who else linked up!
Elaine A. says
She is seriously one of THE cutest babies I have ever seen, Mendie! Love all the pics and the updates! I bet those teeth will show up soon! 🙂
thisgalsjourney says
Adorable!! Takes me back to when my first was that little. My how it flies!!!
Karena says
She's absolutely adorable, Mendie! Also? I love the height difference between you and your husband. That's exactly what it's like for Jesse and me!
Roo says
Ha! Slobber butt! I love it! 🙂
Bari says
Your little "Slobber Butt" is so friggin' adorable, Mendie. Big hugs to you both!