Hope you all had a great weekend, it went by really quick didn’t it? It REALLY went by quick for me….because I got to hang out with Brooke and Bari! That’s right, in a little thing we called Buckeye Hooker Retreat. (Don’t worry the Hooker part is just a sisterhood girlfriend thing, we are all happily married women).
The girls arrived Friday night. Bari got there first and Brooke got in about an hour later. My first thought, besides how great they both looked (and how tiny they are….they do the Sisterhood proud ladies, you can totally tell they are runners and athletes!) was how cute they sounded! We had shared countless emails and texts, but I had only talked with Bari once a few months ago. So it was nice to actually talk to them.
We just hung around and ate some sammies and sampled a few beverages that they had brought with them from some of their local breweries and chatted until it was time for bed. I’m sure they were exhausted from driving so far. We had to get up early to get our run on before the day began.
That’s right…I said our run. I got to run with some sisters! While we all know that both of them could have easily took off and did their own thing, yet, bless their hearts, they ran at my pace, even walking when I had to. They knew about the trouble I was having last week when I switched to the 8/5 intervals. Bari suggested running 5’s again since I had luck with that and decreasing the walking to a minute and see how that went. It went really good! I actually did a 5, then some 4’s and 3’s and made it around 2 laps in just under 30 minutes. Much to my surprise….thanks to Bari’s fabulous Map My Run App…turns out the 2 laps that I had been calling 2 miles were actually 2.25 miles! Woohoo…I’m faster then I thought I was! It was great to run with them, even if I was panting like a beast.
It was a beautiful day so it was nice to walk around and see what the local vendors had. We passed up a lot of the goodies like the ginormous whoopie cakes above and sampled a few yummies, but nothing insane. I had never been to the farmers market, but I am thinking about taking my husband back in a few weeks. Nice little getaway.
After spending some time there, we headed out to Longaberger Homestead. I figured when will these girls ever get the chance again to see a humongous basket, right? Plus I used to work there so that was fun. Have you ever seen such cute babes in a basket? I didn’t think so!
It was fun to walk thru and see all the different products…including the cute little owl coaster that made me think of Melissa!
By the time we got home from traveling all over the county, and stopping and enjoying Subway for lunch, we had a few hours before we were heading out to the Lake. So we sampled a few more beers and some Moonshine Cherries that were brought.
Oh my word….wow….those are some strong pieces of fruit. You can taste the fruit for a minute, then it is covered by the burning taste of pure alcohol. Good times!
Then it was time to head out to Buckeye Lake! Wish we had a boat we could have hung out on, but we didn’t so we opted just to sit by the water and swoon over other peoples boats.
We met up with my inlaws for my brother in laws birthday dinner. It was really hot when we first got there before the sun went down, but soon after it was a nice night on the water. They had a band and we had a good time before our food got there. (stupid waitress obviously forgot to put Brooke’s order in as we were almost done by the time hers came…sorry Brooke!)
We came back and *may have possibly* sampled some more beers. *POSSIBLY* ;o)
The next day we hung out and cheered Beki on as she finished her half marathon before heading to Easton, an outdoor shopping center.
We really were blessed with good weather, it was warm and even bordered on hot in the mid afternoon hours, but it was much better then dealing with any rain or storms. We walked around for a few hours, shopping and trying to burn off some of the lunch that we ate (yummy Five Guys).
The girls took off late that afternoon and before we knew it, our girls weekend was over.
I am so thankful that I got to meet these wonderful ladies, they are so sweet and down to earth and we had a great time just getting to know each other and talking about whatever popped into our minds. I can’t wait to do it again. Thanks ladies, I am truely blessed to call you guys friends….a big Buckeye mwah to my sisters!
Melissa List says
What an awesome weekend! And how cool that you guys worked out together. I love it. And Bari bringing Bell's beer? Cool! I love Bell's….Made here in Kzoo!
PS: I'm also a Melissa that's obsessed with owls, lol…
Renée aka Mekhismom says
It looks like you had so much fun! I'm so jealous. But I look forward to have a meet-up with some of our sisters in San Francisco in October!
Bacardi Mama says
Sounds like you all had a wonderful time and you all look adorable. I am so jealous all the way around.
Mommy Mo says
How fun and how gorgeous are you three! I so so so wish we could ALL go to the same retreat…..
Bari says
What a great post! You really summed up our awesome weekend. I'm so glad I got to hang with you and Brooke! Maybe you should head up my way for a Michigan Hooker Retreat. Pretty fall leaves and wine tasting perhaps? Anyone else would be welcome too!
Brooke says
i just wish my Sunday night in Ohio could have been with you too!!
*Lissa* says
Oh, man. I really, really, REALLY wish I was there with you three! Sounds like so much fun! Someday, right?
I love all the photos, you gals are so dang HAWT!
Elaine A. says
Wow, you all look so happy and refreshed and there are SO MANY great pics of the three of you! I'm so glad you all had this time together. And thanks for the spectacular recap Mendie!